ECO Program


Wellcome to the ECO-Plan program!

In this page you will find some interesting resources to learn more about our environment and how to proctect and take care of it. 

It will also appear a monthly update of our school orchard and greenhouse. 


This is our orchard. In this orchard we have different types of plants.


In this part of the blog we will see the evolotion of our orchard. 

    This is our greenhouse made with recycle material. Here we are going to plant some seed to make them grow faster!  


    You will see the update here. 



Here you can find some interesting resources to know more about our environment, our health and our orchard. 


Remember always to take care of our environment and try to go walking to school.

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  MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 9:00 -9:30 Gym 3a Gym 4a Gym 4b Gym 5a Gym 5b 9:30 -10:00 Orchard 5a Gym 3b Orchard 5b Orchard 5a...